Which Node.js Framework you should choose in 2020?


As a plethora of frameworks available in market on top of node.js for making life better for developers. Which Node.js framework you should choose in 2020?

Node.js was written initially by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Initially, javascript was mainly used for the front-end coding. Node.js made it possible to use javascript for back-end programming as well in the year 2009. Unlike any other open-source there are multiple libraries and frameworks available in Node.js as well. In recent years, numerous open-source libraries for Node.js made available.

What is a Node framework?

Let’s first make it clear that Node Js is neither framework nor language. Rather, it is a run time open source development platform for executing JavaScript code server-side.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

And hence, There are various third party open-source frameworks available in Node Package Manager which makes Node.js application development faster and easy.

So, the Node JS framework is nothing but the set of abstract design, template, and built on top of node.js that embodies the control flows. It is like a skeleton of a typical program and boilerplate code that improve the productivity of a developer.

Popular Node.js Frameworks

The complete list of Node.js framework is big. We will take a look at below list of frameworks that are most popular.

  1. Express.js
  2. Meteor.js
  3. Hapi.js
  4. LoopBack.j
  5. AdonisJs
  6. Koa.js
  7. Sails.js
  8. Total.js
  9. Nest.js
  10. Feathers.js
  11. Derby.js

1. Express.js

Website URL: https://expressjs.com/

2. Meteor

Website URL: https://www.meteor.com/

3. Hapi Js

Website URL: https://hapi.dev/

4. Loopback.js

Website URL: https://loopback.io/


Website URL: https://adonisjs.com/

6. KOA

Website URL: https://koajs.com/

7. Sails

Website URL: https://sailsjs.com/

8. Total.Js

Website URL: https://www.totaljs.com/

9. Nest Js

Website URL: https://nestjs.com/

10. Feathers js

Website URL: https://feathersjs.com/

11. Derby Js

Website URL: https://derbyjs.com/


Which Node.JS framework you should choose in 2020 depends on your specific project requirement. Careful technical discussion with experience node js expert helps you make a better choice. As mobile app development company, we can help you choose the best framework for your project. We also explain to you the pros and cons of using particular framework. You can hire node js developer at a reasonable rate from us.